Friday, May 01, 2009

School Pictures

Spencer is in 1st grade. He is so grown up looking now. He just turned 7 and we will be having a fun birthday party tomorrow for him. We will share pictures next week.

Faith is in 3rd grade. The photographer told her to smile like that and not show her teeth. I guess because she was just getting in her two top incisors. I don't like it because that isn't her smile. She is so pretty and is now 9. Wow! She just had a really crazy fun birthday party that I will post about next week.

These are their pictures from the beginning of the school year. I forgot that when I tried to post them it wasn't working right. Sorry! They sure have changed in a few months.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daddy Daughter

Our school has a wonderful tradition of a Daddy Daughter Dance just before Valentine's Day. Faith & Aaron love to go and spend time together. Of course some of the time the girls spend more time with their friends, but this year she just loved being with her Dad. She is growing up into a very beautiful sweet young lady.

I am glad that they get this time to be together. It is special!!! But don't be fooled; they also have a fun time doing the chicken dance and YMCA too. Aaron said this was the first time that they didn't play "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and he said it was too bad because the girls all love it.

They also have a Mother Son night where we watch a movie. I took Spencer and Christian to it last month. The movie was KungFu Panda and they had a martial arts instructor come and teach some martial art skills. He was really fun and we had a good time, but they don't take pictures for us.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

OUR CUTE KIDS Christmas 2008

Christian (holding Luke), Spencer, Faith & Dallin
This is their picture where they are anticipating what surprises Christmas may bring. It was a very fun day!
Luke turned 9 months old on Christmas. Grandma Medell said he looked like our little Christmas elf.

This is the Coolest Train

Isn't Christmas a Wonderful Time

I wonder what's in the Egg

Dinos are fun!

Just so Cute in 3D

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wow that was a really fun train ride!!!

Well I am not sure if Dallin thought so. Either he is looking for candy in that bag or he must feel sick. ;o)

Faith and Spencer loved it too!

Dave and Jean when they came to visit in September

Aaron & Dave with Luke.
We were thrilled to see Aaron's brother and his family again.

Dave, Jean & Jake and our clan.
It was good to have them visit. As you can tell from the picture we weren't thrilled to be parting ways again. We sure miss them!

Kids with a Witch at Gardner Village before Halloween.

This is the really awesome pumpkin Aaron carved for Halloween.

All dressed up and loving spending time with our cousins Jayden, Madie & Grandpa Medell.

Friday, May 09, 2008

May 3rd was a very special day!

Here is our family!
Carina, Luke, Spencer, Faith, Aaron, Dallin & Christian

Faith was baptized. She was so happy! This is a dress that my Mom made nine years ago for my niece to be baptized in and they were excited to share it with Faith. She loved that she got to wear a dress instead of a jumpsuit and it stayed down when she was baptized even though the font wasn't filled enough, especially for a tall girl like she is. Aaron had to push her down almost all the way to the floor and then brought her back up quick. The Church building was really cold that day and so when she came out and was getting dressed she was shaking a lot. It took a while to get her dressed. Thankfully everyone was happy singing Primary songs that really kept the Spirit there. Thank you Heidi for playing the piano & Mom for leading the music.

And Luke was blessed. He was a very good baby for the whole day, he slept for a very long time at the Church and at home later which allowed me the time to write in my journal (a rare occurrence.) I paid for it that night though because he wanted to eat all night and all day the next day, but that is easily forgotten and the memories he allowed us all to be a part of won't be as easily. What a sweet baby! He looked so wonderful in white that I kept him in it most of the day. It made me sad to take him out of it. It reminded me of how sweet & pure he is. We learned that day about how we too could be pure so we can return to live with our Father in Heaven again.

Faith wanted a special white dress that she could wear to be confirmed in and wear to Church to remind her of the covenants she had made. We actually found this at a used Children's clothing store and my Mom helped me alter it. It was beautiful and she looked angelic in it and it had a frill which meant she could twirl in it too. :o)

Faith loved sharing her special day with her brother, which I think she will always remember. I was confirmed on the same day my younger sister Kendra was blessed and I remember that was special too.

We had lots of family & friends there, but I didn't remember to have us take pictures until almost everyone was gone and we only took a few because the baby was finally waking up and hungry, but still pretty patient. This is a picture of our kids with their cousins Jayden & Madi.

Aaron's parents were unable to attend the baptism because they are serving a mission in Nauvoo, Illinois. We really missed having them there, but we are so thankful for their example in serving the Lord. They sent Faith a brand new set of Scriptures. When she opened them up she jumped up and down and squealed with excitement and then she picked them up and hugged them. She said she had been hoping to get some and she wasn't disappointed. She reads them faithfully and is in 3rd Nephi now. She wanted to finish the Book of Mormon before she was baptized. She didn't get quite there, but is very close. We are thankful for her desire to read them every night and to become closer to her Savior. My parents know of the hard work she has put into reading them, she even reads it when she goes to stay for the night with them. They got her a beautiful porcelain figurine of a girl with brown hair in a white dress reading her scriptures. She just loves it! It is really fitting.

And here are our beautiful, wonderful children. And this was taken when Luke finally had woken up and wasn't happy when I took out the pacifier to take this picture.